Hercules Telescopes is a revolution in astrophotography.
We are using cellular mirror in all our standard telescopes. Cellular mirror have many advantages : they are lightweight, but the most important improvement is that they are many times faster to reach a stabilized temperature.
Our Newtonian series feature 4 ports technology, combined with our optional precision secondary rotator (manual or motorized), allow users to install up to 4 ccd or visual eyepieces. With the use of optional x-y hollow stages, this will allow a collimation on the 4 ports and will save your flats frame on each ccd for different type of imaging project.
Our Prime focus series is the most simple telescope you can use, only a primary mirror and images train located in the center of the telescope. Provide fast f/ ratios, perfect for imaging and research.
Hercules Telescopes
Telescopes are never better then their optics and correctors. Our telescopes are supplied with a foucault test of 1/8pv or better, the secondary mirror are 1/15pv with a Zygo Interferogram report. The telescopes are made in a way you can make the collimation all manualy (no allen key is needed). The micrometric screws used for the secondary collimation and the large brass antibacklash primary adjustment nobs are easy to use.
Mirror cell, back plate, tubes, truss tubes and rings are all 100% carbon fiber. The fastener are all made of the best quality stainless steel. Dovetails, port flange and ball joints brackets are made of anodised aluminium.